Enhance Your Business Competitiveness in Calgary, Alberta with effective COR Certification


COR stands for Certificate of Recognition. The universal theme of having COR is to confirm that a certified auditor has evaluated an employer’s health and safety management system and found it to meet the province’s standards. The major advantage of having COR is that it has proven effective in reducing workplace injuries, which can be enjoyed by any company in any jurisdiction. Although lower injury rates are a huge motivation to having COR, there are key economic drivers related to COR in Alberta that will discuss below.  

According to the Government of Alberta, COR is required for many bidding processes in Alberta, especially in the oil and gas, transportation, forestry and construction sectors. It also means, for most vendor relationships in Calgary, you need to have a valid Certificate of Recognition to get your foot in the door with larger corporations.  

Before we explore how COR is making business competitive, we also need to take a quick look at the financial incentive for obtaining a COR. A WCB premium rebate is available in certain provinces like Alberta, reaching a maximum of 20% of the employer’s annual premium.  

COR is a Competitive Calgary Advantage

According to the ACSA (Alberta Construction Safety Association of Alberta), there are almost 11,000 active Certificate of Recognition (COR) and Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR) holders in Alberta. If you don’t have one, especially in Calgary, then you’re shooting yourself in the foot.  

The Calgary economy depends heavily on the oil and gas sector, which attracts a diverse range of vendor companies through their competitive bidding processes. The larger oil and gas corporations will not allow contractors in the RFP without possessing a valid COR. At Calgary Safety Consultants, we refer to this as a Safety Trade Barrier, which COR can also represent the approval of top corporations that prioritize health, safety, and environmental performance.

Enbridge, Suncor, and Cenovus rely on ISNetworld and Avetta to evaluate suppliers, but having an ISNetworld or Avetta account doesn't guarantee inclusion on the bidding list. Actually, without COR, your business is put into an ISN or Avetta status as an “F” grade and you’re blacklisted.  

Without COR, there’s potentially no lucrative opportunities for you.  

ISO 45001 Could be the Next OH&S Trade Barrier

Sometimes having COR is not enough. The next OH&S Trade Barrier that we have been telling our clients to be ready for ISO 45001. We’re not seeing certification requirements with ISO 45001 yet, but we are seeing elements of ISO 45001 in the bidding process.  

For example, behind the scenes at ISN, there are hundreds of assessments of your OH&S Management System, which can stop you in the bidding process. It’s common for companies to find themselves in trouble because they don’t have elements that are fundamental to ISO 45001 and good management system structure.  

In our experience, many companies who have partnered with Energy Safety Canada, for COR accreditation, are meeting the management system requirement and are suffering fewer rejections with ISNetworld and Avetta. It has come to our attention that numerous companies are also thriving by exceeding the basic COR requirements. At Calgary Safety Consultants, we’ll show how to beat the system. 

COR Makes Business Sense

We touched on the benefits of reducing workplace injury and illness through COR, but managers rarely consider the economic advantages involved. The fact is that COR is part of the social license for doing business in Calgary and within the province. Without COR, you become limited to your business opportunities and your ability to operate in the black.  

If you need COR, need help with your COR assessments, or want to explore management system upgrades, book your free consultation today.

FAQs for Enhance Your Business Competitiveness in Calgary, Alberta with effective COR Certification:

We can. Please book complimentary 30 minutes today.

Absolutely! We handle both maintenance and external COR audits. Our schedule tends to fill up quickly, so it’s a good idea to reach out early to lock in a spot. 

We can help you through the process. Before conducting an audit, there are numerous prerequisites that need to be met. Additionally, conducting a COR Audit does not guarantee that you will obtain a COR. We recommend completing the Free Consult form on our website and providing us with information about your current stage with COR. Have you begun the process? Is there a Safety Manual available? Do you have COR? Who is the partner you are certified with? If you answer these questions, we can maximize the benefits of your free consultation.

Secure Your Workplace Safety Today

You've made it this far, so let’s take the next step. Calgary Safety Consultants is here to help you ensure compliance, enhance safety, and streamline your OH&S program. Don’t wait—fill out the form, and we’ll connect with you to discuss how we can support your business. Let’s get started!